Welcome to the Official Website of Sri Dharmaloka College
Sri Dharmaloka College is one of the well-established Buddhist schools in the country and a prominent national school in the Western province of Sri Lanka, in close proximity to the Kelani temple. The school was established in 1938 in the premises of Vidyalankara Pirivena. Under the patronage of Ratmalane Sri Dharmaloka Thero in the 1950 the college moved to its current location.
Co-Curricular Activities are given pivotal role/position at Dhrmaloka College as it provides facilities for social, emotional and intellectual detections and improve their soft skills and other needed talents . Such skills are planned to develop their leadership qualities, living in peace and harmony and team spirits in order to pursue total development.There are many objectives of the planned associations.
The management of the college and academics decided the specific goals according to the societies. Accordingly students can engage in different societies while managing their studies. Through them they develop different strategies to involve in societies for their own benefits in future.
Every academic year all the associations organize technical based, language based and cultural based events and progrmmes to full fill their decided objectives and aims, by providing opportunities for their involvement in co-curricular activities.
All the associations in the college have the specific goals of providing and promoting facilities towards total development of every student.
Principal's Message
First and foremost I am delighted that the students of Sri Dharmaloka have launched a website, I’m glad as the principal of the college since students are performing well in many academic progress and extra-curricular activities. Further I’m proud to say products of Sri Dharmaloka maintain their college glory as well disciplined as worthy citizens of mother Lanka.
I should mention the support of the tutorial staff, nonacademic staff, parents, past pupils and well-wishers who assist us to maintain the name of the school as well established leading school in our country.
– Principal – Mrs. K.G.K.D. Amarasinghe –
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Being successful is the desire of all of us residing over this lovely planet.
So that our inbuilt desire to go forward consistently towards more massive success.