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2020/2021 Media Unit Profile


Name of the Student


L.P Suchira Sandaruwan


Princess Gaveshika


Chamathka Dulmini


  • “SANDESHA 2020”, the most populous online school media competition in the history of Sri Lankan school media competitions, was successfully organized with more than 50 schools participating despite the COVID-19 global pandemic.
  • under SANDESHA 2020 following criteria were sufficed:
    • All Island Inter-School Media Competition
    • Selection of the most popular school media unit around Sri Lanka
    • Competition for Old School pupil’s
    • Competitions for students of Sri Dharmaloka College.
  • A workshop project called ‘Damlo Madhya Pradeepaya’ was successfully implemented online despite the COVID-19 global pandemic, to create a group of announcers and journalists with a board understanding in every aspect of mass media.
  • Managing special morning programs under new innovative reforms called “Dhamlo Handa Abihiman”.


  • Participated in “Sandwavani 2020”, an all-island Media Competition organized by Negombo South International School, won several achievements and finally was nominated to the list of top 5 All Island school media units.
  • Participated in ‘Sampreshana 2020″ organized by Ashoka College Media Unit, Colombo and won several prizes.
  • The president, L.P Suchira Sandaruwan was selected to a special training program of 6 months after an astounding performance in the interviews conducted by the Western province council with the cooperation of the Ceylon Rupavahini Corporation.
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